Sea Sprite is a 1986 Vandestadt McGruer Sirius 22 that we where lucky enough to take ownership of August 1'st 2007. We sold our Siren 17 (Short Escape) just a sho
rt 3 days earlier. As I was on vacation it was very important to find another boat. My Wife (Anita) and I delivered Short Escape to her new owners on Saturday and on Monday we bought our new boat Sea Sprite.

On Wednesday the 1'st my Father and I took his trusty truck north to pick up the new boat. It took us most of the day to take her out of the water pack everything up and tow her to her new home at the Club. By the time we arrived at the Club it was too late in the day to do anything except go home.

The following day I worked all day long and finally with the help of good friends George, Les and Lorne managed to launch and dock her at the Club.
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